Reward Growth
& Scaling plan

Maximise your reward with FTMO's scaling plan and earn up to 90% of your simulated profits

Reward growth

Reward growth

Each trader with an FTMO Account is entitled to receive a reward equivalent to 80% of simulated profits. This means he/she is entitled to the reward after meeting the necessary conditions and achieving success on an FTMO Account. The reward is processed on a bi-weekly basis, and the average processing time for the reward is 8 hours, ensuring that our clients won’t have to wait too long for their earned profits.

More about scaling plan

Scaling plan

Scaling plan

Talented FTMO Traders who meet our Scaling Plan requirements are rewarded with a 25% increase in their FTMO Account balance and a bigger reward of 90%. FTMO Accounts can be increased to a maximum initial balance of $2,000,000! Please refer to the detailed summary table below for a comprehensive breakdown of our scaling plan requirements.


  • Minimum of 4 months cycle
  • At least 10% total net simulated profit
  • Process at least 2 rewards
  • Positive account balance at the time of scale-up


  • Upgraded reward to 90%
  • $2M scale-up cap
  • Continuous increase when criteria are met

Scenarios of possible
FTMO Account Grow

The following table demonstrates a scenario of the account balance and risk parameters development on the FTMO Account in case the client successfully passes the Evaluation Process, reaches a maximum FTMO Account allocation of $400,000 (for example, by merging two $200,000 accounts) and fulfils the conditions for Scaling plan:

Elapsed Time Initial Balance Maximum Daily Loss Maximum Loss
0 months $400,000 $20,000 $40,000
4 months $500,000 $25,000 $50,000
8 months $600,000 $30,000 $60,000
12 months $700,000 $35,000 $70,000
16 months $800,000 $40,000 $80,000

Have more questions about Scaling plan? FAQs


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