New FTMO Traders joining our ranks
The month of May is here and we would like to welcome some of our new FTMO Traders who have recently joined ranks. Be inspired by their stories.
Trader Diogo – “it will be absolutely life-changing!”
How did you eliminate the factor of luck in your trading?
It wasn’t an easy task at all. For months I have traded without any guidance nor clear plan. As soon as I created my trading plan and stuck to it the results just start pumping!!
How has passing the FTMO Challenge and Verification changed your life?
Since this is the 1st FTMO account I have competed for, it will be absolutely life-changing. From now on, the thing gets even more serious!!
How does your risk management plan look like?
In my trading plan, I have defined everything I needed to become profitable. One of those things is risk management. Just by curiosity, I focus on RR and always looking for the higher (but realistic) RR.
How would you rate your experience with FTMO?
In one word? AWESOME! What an incredible experience so far.
What do you think is the key to long term success in trading?
Risk Management, Discipline, Zero emotions and Self-confidence.
What is the number one piece of advice you would give to a new trader?
Define your strategy, build your trading plan, backtest it in the demo and as soon as it becomes profitable, step forward and try an FTMO challenge!
Trader Danvor – “Remaining disciplined, calm and apply proper risk management will get you there.”
What do you think is the most important characteristic/attribute to become a profitable trader?
Absolute discipline.
What was easier than expected during the FTMO Challenge or Verification?
During the Verification phase the market was acting strange and many of my setups weren’t working out. But remained very calm and focused during drawdown.
How has passing the FTMO Challenge and Verification changed your life?
It has had a major positive impact on my psychology, as I now believe in myself even more than I did before. Plus, this is one step closer to financial freedom for myself and my family. which is my primary goal.
Do you have a trading plan in place, and do you follow it strictly?
Yes, I have it stuck on my wall right in front of my trading desk. I follow it with absolute discipline and I believe that is why I have passed the challenge.
Describe your best trade.
I use a very simplified Wyckoff and Smart Money Concepts approach. So I typically sit on my hands until the price trades into an area of value and I wait for a simple break of structure and for the market to return to the area where the break originated.
What would you like to say to other traders that are attempting the FTMO Challenge?
Backtest your system, if it is profitable, put it into a trading plan and never deviate. Remaining disciplined, calm and apply proper risk management will get you there.
Trader Mandeep – “Don’t rush and be disciplined.”
What was the most difficult during your FTMO Challenge or Verification and how did you overcome it?
The verification was much more difficult. This was so in my case because after passing the challenges, I was very confident that I was gonna finish the verification faster and more easily which became a huge problem because I would not follow my plan all the way. When doing the verification you have to keep in mind that it is not over yet and nothing is secure for you so keep following your plan and respect the limits/risk at all costs.
What was the hardest obstacle on your trading journey?
Learning to recognize market manipulation and developing the patience to overcome it. And adapting to trading with larger lot sizes, getting used to larger losses and gains.
How did you eliminate the factor of luck in your trading?
Trusting in my analysis and making sure that each trade had multiple confluences was key to eliminating the factor of luck in trading. I believe the most essential tool within trading is risk management as if you stick to a disciplined plan you should always remain consistent.
Do you plan to take another FTMO Challenge to manage even bigger capital?
Yes definitely and have already started another 200k challenge and it’s now a set goal to get maximum capital of 400 k.
Do you have a trading plan in place, and do you follow it strictly?
I follow my plan strictly. I very seldom get out of it, and when it is like that, I get out of the operation quickly.
What is the number one advice you would give to a new trader?
Enjoy the process. Don’t rush and be disciplined. NEVER Give up!! No matter what you are thinking or how many times you have attempted the FTMO Challenge. Keep at it, never ever doubt yourself because you WILL pass and it is the most rewarding feeling ever.
Trader Khallid – “Breathe, the timeline is a master of the patience within the self.”
How would you rate your experience with FTMO?
Amazing! I truly love this company and the setup that you all provide.
What was the hardest obstacle on your trading journey?
The hardest part was getting funded again. After I lost my first funded account due to improper risk management. I had to regroup and reevaluate my skills as a trader.
Do you have a trading plan in place, and do you follow it strictly?
Yes. That was my goal this time around. Flawless trades, while everything will not go in my direction, maintaining a proper risk to reward will keep consistent growth.
How did Maximum loss limits affect your trading style?
Completely. Im a risky and aggressive trader; the maximum lost prevents the amount trades I am to take. I have to remind myself to trade the next day. Rome wasn’t built in a day and I have to remind myself of that when trading this funded account.
How did you manage your emotions when you were in a losing trade?
My mentor told me that 60% and 2:1 reward:risk; you can still grow an account. Losing trades are just lessons. There is always a win to be given.
What would you like to say to other traders that are attempting the FTMO Challenge?
Breathe, the timeline is a master of the patience within the self. Don’t rush what is already done. Let the journey prepare you for the greatness.
About FTMO
FTMO developed a 2-step Evaluation Process to find trading talents. Upon successful completion you can get an FTMO Account with a balance of up to $200,000. How does it work?.