FTMO Trading Workshop 2019 - Berlin
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Hello everyone! On Saturday, October 12th, FTMO organized a Trading Workshop in Berlin in Hotel Savoy. The event was stretching through the entire afternoon. We were very happy to see our German clients face to face and we hope that our Seminar helped them in their trading careers.
Arrival in Berlin
We had the pleasure to explore Berlin prior to the event. In the picture below, you can see our presenters Jaroslav (left), Otto (middle) and Tu (right).
At the Hotel
At Hotel Savoy, we prepared our presentations and soon, our guests arrived at 13:00. Our founders of the project - Otakar (left) and Marek (right) were ready to welcome our guests. Once our guests arrived, we were happy to announce the start of the Seminar.
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Jaroslav's Presentation
Jaroslav was our first presenter. During his speech, he introduced our project to the listeners.
The main topic of Jaroslav's presentation was our Statistical Application. We showed our traders how this application works and how you can use this application to help you make better trading decisions. (You can find out more about the Statistical Application here: https://ftmo.com/statistical-app/)
The Statistical Application provides the user with market probabilities based on historical data dating 1000 days back. Jaroslav explained how each statistic works with examples on how to use them in trading.
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Otto's Presentation
Our German partner Otto Schlechter (3MBO) was our second presenter. His topic was 'How to find hints in the markets to improve trading setups'. This presentation allowed the trader to understand the fundamentals of how and why prices move the way they do.
Otto is the founder of 3mbo.de and our partner at FTMO. He teaches trading methods with the focus on indices such as DAX and DOW. (You can visit our partner page for more information about 3mbo.de: https://ftmo.com/de/otto-schlechter/)
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Tu's Presentation
Tu was our final presenter. He is in charge of customer support and operations at FTMO and he is also the creator of the Equity Simulator, FTMO's risk management application. During his speech, we learned very interesting topics about risk management. He showed the audience how to apply the Monte-Carlo-Model in trading and the practical uses of the Equity Simulator.
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At the and of the Seminar, we announced winners of our contest. Our main price was the 40.000 EUR Challenge and a mentoring session with Otto. Congratulations to our winners!
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Final Words
Overall, we are very happy with our trip to Berlin. We have received great feedback from our guests and we hope to engage more in offline events. This November 2019, we will be in Frankfurt at the World of Trading Event. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
About FTMO
FTMO developed a 2-step Evaluation Process to find trading talents. Upon successful completion you can get an FTMO Account with a balance of up to $200,000. How does it work?.