FTMO Traders feedback – April edition
Trading is not easy. In fact, it is a very difficult and demanding profession. Those who succeed must have the necessary skills and experience to battle the ever-changing markets, control risk and master their own psychology. In this article, we share the valuable feedback of a few selected FTMO Traders who successfully passed the FTMO Evaluation Course to manage their FTMO Accounts.
Trader Andry – “Become one of FTMO Traders will definitely be a new beginning in my career”
How does passing the FTMO Challenge and Verification changed your life?
I have been trading forex since February 2016. Since then, I have set in my mind to be a full-time trader so that I have the time freedom to do what I really love to do and spent quality time with my family. However, trading with limited/small capital kind of slowing down the journey. Passing FTMO Challenge & Verification and become one of FTMO Traders will definitely be a new beginning in my career as FTMO funded trading provide opportunities that fast track my journey to be a successful full-time professional forex trader.
What was easier than expected during the FTMO Challenge or Verification?
The target profit is relatively an easy target if compare to the generous timeframe given by FTMO (30 days in Challenge & 60 days in Verification stage). The most crucial and difficult rule is the strict drawdown limit – which is the best training ground to be a disciplined trader.
What do you think is the key to long term success in trading?
Risk management/money management and self-control is the ultimate key for long term success in trading. FTMO Challenge & Verification provide rules and environment that stretch my abilities to be a disciplined trader that always sticks to the rules/money management. FTMO Challenge & Verification really elevate and intensify my risk management/money management capability due to the very strict drawdown rules, especially the maximum daily drawdown limit of 5%. FTMO Challenge and Verification is a must for any traders that wish to enhance their risk management and self-control in trading, which is the most important skill to have a successful and sustainable career in trading.
What was the most difficult during your FTMO Challenge or Verification and how did you overcome it?
The daily drawdown limit of 5% is the most difficult rules during the Challenge & Verification stage – whereby this rule has been one of the most crucial rules in the Challenge & Verification stages that train me to be a risk-conscious trading manager. I have to continuously practice self-control i.e. do not enter new positions or multiple positions to ensure I have a safe & healthy buffer every day. I also learned to stop trading once I have hit my daily profit target to ensure I did not overtrade. This most difficult rule has been a perfect training ground to increase my self-control in trading.
What inspires you to pursue trading?
Time Freedom i.e. quality time with my family. Since I started trading in February 2016, I have set in my mind that I need to be a full-time trader so that I can have freedom in managing and utilizing my time to do what I am passionate about and to really spent quality time with my family. Among many business opportunities that I came across, full-time trading is still one of the best careers that can provide time freedom.
What is the number one piece of advice you would give to a new trader?
Risk management. I always believe that technical analysis is the easy part that can be master by any new trader in a relatively short time frame. However, risk management – money management & self-control is the number one skill that a new trader must learn since day one in trading to ensure long term success in trading.
Trader Gurinder – “Be patient and have an appropriate risk management plan.”
How did you manage your emotions when you were in a losing trade?
By using an appropriate lot size in combination with an appropriate stop-loss that works with my trading strategy and risk management plan.
What was more difficult than expected during your FTMO Challenge or Verification?
Overcoming the fear of missing out and applying the same discipline to a demo account that I would to a real funded account.
Where have you learnt about FTMO?
I heard about FTMO from a friend and simply visited the website, soon after I started my first challenge.
What was the most difficult during your FTMO Challenge or Verification, and how did you overcome it?
Learning to trust me over others as well as developing my own strategy that I understand as opposed to trying to copy someone else’s strategy that may have worked for them, but I do not fully understand. I overcame this by realizing when I trade my own strategy, I am trading with confidence, and when I try to copy someone else’s strategy, there is a level of uncertainty and doubt.
What was the hardest obstacle on your trading journey?
Learning to recognize market manipulation and developing the patience to overcome it.
One piece of advice for people starting the FTMO Challenge now.
Firstly, be patient and have an appropriate risk management plan. Secondly, have a deep understanding of your trading strategy, whether you develop your own or learn one.
Trader Maria – “I follow my plan strictly.”
What was the most difficult during your FTMO Challenge or Verification, and how did you overcome it?
The most difficult was when I was losing 1800, but then the price went in the direction that my analysis had. at that moment, I meditated so that I would not be afraid and play with emotions.
Do you plan to take another FTMO Challenge to manage even bigger capital?
I hope that the first withdrawal will give me to buy the challenge of $200,000.
Do you have a trading plan in place, and do you follow it strictly?
I follow my plan strictly. I very seldom get out of it, and when it is like that, I get out of the operation quickly.
How would you rate your experience with FTMO?
Very good and you can have good communication with support.
How did you manage your emotions when you were in a losing trade?
Like I say before. when I was losing, I was meditating for a few minutes so as not to get into the game of emotions that sometimes generate anxiety and stress.
One piece of advice for people starting the FTMO Challenge now.
That they strictly follow their plan, and if they do not have it, it is better that they write it down and always have it handy. If you are beginners in this, look for a good strategy and do not link all of them.
Trader Martin – “NEVER Give up!!”
How would you rate your experience with FTMO?
Excellent. This is my second successful challenge with FTMO.
What was the hardest obstacle on your trading journey?
Adapting to trading with larger lot sizes, getting used to larger losses and gains.
Where have you learnt about FTMO?
I heard about FTMO through a friend who was going through the verification process.
What do you think is the key to long term success in trading?
Discipline and patience most definitely. Knowing when to walk away is a big part of the discipline for me, having a break and coming back with a fresh perspective after suffering a few losses in a row. Also waiting for your rules to enter a trade before doing so.
How does passing the FTMO Challenge and Verification changed your life?
The goal is to be trading the full capital limit and be successfully earning 10%+ each month.
What would you like to say to other traders that are attempting the Challenge?
Enjoy the process. Don’t rush and be disciplined. NEVER Give up!!
Trader Mandla – “FTMO giving me this opportunity I’m more than delighted”
How would you rate your experience with FTMO?
Challenging but worthwhile. It’s been a journey and I have learnt a lot especially about myself, trading and with FTMO giving me this opportunity I’m more than delighted.
A worthwhile experience though even if it’s been hard.
How did Maximum loss limits affect your trading style?
It didn’t affect my style, otherwise, it made me realise that I had to perfect my strategy and develop my skills because you have to trade like it’s your real money because with that you can be careless and enter every setup and suffer huge losses then just don’t care about it since all tell yourself its just demo. With that loss limit, you are forced to be really good and calculate every possible entry being really accurate. It’s a skill that needs continual development.
Describe your best trade.
All my trades are my best because I learn from them. But ill point out My trade on AU. I waited for the setup for a really long time watching the charts looking for that perfect setup and on my tradingview I had already marked where id enter and the candles id wait for..I waited and though I was tempted to enter I practised patience and when the setup was ready I got in and I was confident about my setup and drawdown was so little and in a short time I was in blue and the trade went all the way up.it really felt nice and I hit a thousand on that trade and I really felt proud.
How did you manage your emotions when you were in a losing trade?
I’ve practised hard and I’ve learnt that you can’t win all trades ..you need to be confident about your strategy and even if I lost I kept managing my risk well knowing I will win and I’ve learnt that my losses should be small and have big winners…but I suffered some losses on gold whilst it was in consolidation and I didn’t realise that..but in all my losses I kept believing that ill win eventually especially if I have small losses
Do you plan to take another FTMO Challenge to manage even bigger capital?
Yes definitely and it’s now a set goal that I dream of daily from this is taking the $200k and I’m already imagining having 2 $200k accounts.
I have to practise though and its a daily routine and I’ve set a target to get that $200k account.
One piece of advice for people starting the FTMO Challenge now.
I think Most people think its easy especially starting off with $10k ..so they take big positions like with big lots trying to pass challenge at once but it doesn’t work that way.
I think a person should first develop his or her trading skills then get to do the challenge.
About FTMO
FTMO developed a 2-step Evaluation Process to find trading talents. Upon successful completion you can get an FTMO Account with a balance of up to $200,000. How does it work?.