FTMO at World of Trading 2019 Expo in Frankfurt, Germany
World Of Trading 2019
The biggest show in German-speaking countries is the World of Trading Expo in Frankfurt, Germany.
Frankfurt is the home city of Eurex Exchange, which is quoting our favourite instrument Dax.
The Expo was a huge exhibition of online trading, investing and education.
Besides the leading forex brokers, banks and educators, there were two seminar halls which were crowded from the early beginning until the very end. The seminars covered many topics for all traders in all stages. One of the most popular ones was live trading.
The best of all for us was to finally meet in person with several of our FTMO Traders, who are managing our initial balance.
We also spoke to many of those who are still in the FTMO Challenge or Verification.
We are glad that all visitors were positively charged and in good spirits and this constantly gives us further motivation in developing the FTMO project.
Besides meeting with many of our traders, we hooked up with various partners and companies whos services we might soon offer to our traders.
Check out the video and pictures below to see how the WoT 2019 looked like. See you next year!
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À propos de FTMO
FTMO a développé un Processus d'Evaluation en 2 étapes pour trouver des traders expérimentés. Une fois l'évaluation réussie, vous pouvez obtenir un FTMO Account avec un capital pouvant aller jusqu'à $200,000. Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?.